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All Posts Blog: Blog2mind

The Scheduled Task: Handle With Care

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a workshop on the DNN scheduled task. I was there because I was giving a couple of presentations for my good friends at the SDN ( The workshop was given by Leigh Pointer and he showed us how to make a scheduled task as well as some ins and outs on how the scheduler is administered in DNN ...

DotNetNuke is a secure platform

There has been some upheaval recently about the security of the DNN platform. One of the commercial entities in the DNN community saw fit to send out a communiqué how they discovered ‘numerous’ loopholes and how they could fix them. Aside from the fact that most claims were proven to be false, I’d like to go one step further and argue that DNN is in fact a very secure platform. I’ll start with an excerpt from an article I wrote that was published recently:

SysInfo solution to improve DNN support

Some of you will recognize this. A recurring pattern in DNN module support is to find out what the customer has running in the first place. Not just your own module (i.e. version), but also ‘the bigger picture’. There are ‘expert’ customers that will write you this in a first email, and there are those that have no clue what you’re asking them. Luckily most of my customers fall toward the expert category. Despite this I still spend a lot of time (emails back and forth) determining the client system. And regularly I have to ‘talk the customer through’ how to get those bits of information that are relevant to me (e.g. is Ajax enabled? Are you using compression? Do you have dll XYZ installed?)
