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Last Post 10/30/2005 9:57 PM by  Peter Donker
Search issues
 1 Replies
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teresa beere johnson
New Member
New Member

10/28/2005 7:49 AM


    I'm finding that the simple search often returns results that are not in the meta data of the document, but actually in the indexed version of the document. ie - search returns results for no apparant reason, meaning the meta data does not contain the word I searched with, so I open the pdf file and search it, and find the text that I originally searched for.

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/30/2005 9:57 PM
    [QUOTE]tbeerejo wrote


    I'm finding that the simple search often returns results that are not in the meta data of the document, but actually in the indexed version of the document. ie - search returns results for no apparant reason, meaning the meta data does not contain the word I searched with, so I open the pdf file and search it, and find the text that I originally searched for.


    Yes. Quick search will include full-text if available. I should make that optional I guess.


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