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Last Post 09/02/2005 7:55 PM by  Peter Donker
Additional values in Select column of Advanced Search
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Ken Simpson
New Member
New Member

09/02/2005 6:13 PM

    One has the ability to add date and number (int, float) Custom Attributes for selected file types. However, when doing an advanced search there is no facility for searching for dates or numbers GREATER THAN or LESS THAN a selected value.

    In addition, when seraching on Custom Attribute date fields the search 'Date Contains 2004' returns all documents with a custom attribute Date in 2004, as it should. However, if the search is modified to 'Date Dosen't Contain 2004', no records are returned despite the fact that there are documents that meet this criteria.

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    09/02/2005 7:55 PM

    Yes. Search is not finished yet. Expect further enhancements in the future. At the moment focus is on other aspects, however. But I plan to incorporate this kind of functionality in DMX Pro.


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