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Menu Localization DefaultMenu.resources
Last Post 12/03/2007 10:31 PM by Peter Donker. 5 Replies.
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Guido Kuehler
Basic Member
Basic Member

09/15/2007 6:55 PM

We have for the localization from the menu copy the File DefaultMenu.resources and renamed to then we have localized all values what needed but the localization is not used.

We have clear the cache, disabled compressing, iisreset but only EN-Localization is displayed.

So we have for a Test the DefaultMenu.resources replaced with our localized Version and the Menu is displayed in de-DE so we have verified that our localization file is ok.

Thank You.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/18/2007 10:35 AM
I'll look into this asap.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/23/2007 10:18 PM
It's a bug. I'll have it fixed. I'm also working on an editor for the menu. But that is still not finished.
Guido Kuehler
Basic Member
Basic Member

09/24/2007 8:15 AM
Thank You!!!
Rob Ralston
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/03/2007 6:35 PM
Hi Peter,

Is localization supposed to be working now? In the recent 4.01 RC1, I attempted to create a "Host" version of the Bring2mind\DMX\App_LocalResources\Menu.ascx.resx via the Language editor, however, the simple menu item text change I made had no effect. (cleared cache, restarted app, etc, multiple times).

Rob Ralston
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/03/2007 10:31 PM
I can't explain that. This is the file that is loaded for localization.
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