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0 Replies and 7123 Views WebDav lessons learned from a challenging implementation    7123  0 Started by  Jeroen Krikke Hi all, We've implemented DMX recently for a client with a large userbase who intend to use webdav at the office, at home and from mobile devices. We had done some succesfull DMX installations before, but setting up DMX properly for this client was a big big challenge. We had to solve quite some issues before we reached a stable situation. In this post you can find our experiences with webdav in the hope you can hopefully avoid these issues. I'll limit the issues encountered to those we c...
0 7123
11/25/2012 8:14 PM
1 Replies and 8823 Views Debugging WebDAV      8823  1 Started by  Peter Donker This thread is to gather methods to debug WebDAV issues. My first post here is a link to a blog post about using Fiddler, a wonderful tool.
1 8823
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/31/2012 5:57 PM
1 Replies and 28635 Views WebDAV with Windows 7, Vista, and XP    28635  1 Started by  Cape Fear Web Masters I’ve spent the last 3 months with DMX on several different DMX installations and I wanted to take a minute to share my experience regarding WebDAV and the Windows Clients.&160;This is by no means a formal “this works and doesn’t work” post… it’s a “Hey this is what I’ve experienced so far and would love to see if you saw something different” type post&160;&160; Windows XP – works with WebDav perfectly Windows Vista – does NOT work with DMX WebDAV natively.&160;You need to install the follo...
1 28635
by  SiriJump to last post
06/14/2010 3:07 PM
5 Replies and 1519 Views WebDAV Setup Documentation?  1519  5 Started by  CSEA Webmaster DMX 6.4.7 on DNN 9.8.1. Server 2016 with IIS 10 Looking to setup WebDAV. Do I just follow MS documentation (see below for link) on enabling on the server and just enable in the DMX settings Thanks.
5 1519
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/08/2022 8:33 PM
1 Replies and 6655 Views Open in Explorer will not been displayed / WebDav could not connect  6655  1 Started by  Stebi DNN: 6.00.02 DMX: 6.1.11 IIS: 7.5 App-Pool 4.0 integrated Settings IIS and Web.config should be ok. But I can't see 'Open in Explorer' in IE11 and i can't connect through WebDav. Any ideas Regards, Andreas
1 6655
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 10:10 PM
1 Replies and 4379 Views WebDav on DNN 7.1  4379  1 Started by  Roger Goodwin WebDAV is not possible on your server due to the membership provider not being able to retrieve passwords. This is a new default setting since DNN 7.1. We're working on a solution. I would like to use this feature, is there any news on when it may be available
1 4379
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 10:09 PM
3 Replies and 4790 Views How to enable webdav  4790  3 Started by  Jason Perez Hi, When I try to enable the webdav I go to my page where document exchange module are, and select: admin -> main options -> WebDAV Settings. But the Enable WebDAV checkbox button appears deselected and disable to select. I'm not sure what I have to do, to enable for the first time. ¿Any ideas Thanks in advance. Jason.
3 4790
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/10/2015 6:08 PM
1 Replies and 5135 Views WebDav and Google Chrome  5135  1 Started by  erez Hi Peter, I read your documents WebDav be supported only if browser supports ActiveX. Does that mean there will not be possible to edit ('Edit in Word' etc) documents from Chrome Thanks Erez
1 5135
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/12/2014 3:47 PM
1 Replies and 5687 Views WebDav Login Box Prompt  5687  1 Started by  Stuart Hilbert Peter, Hope all is well. I am trying to get WebDav working on a DNN 7.1.2 site with DMX 6.1.6 I found this thread regarding the membership provider being an issue, so I turned back on the old provider and was able to enable WebDav in the DMX module. I created a new user to make sure that the user has the right kind of password. I went through the WebDav setup doc and added the appropriate handlers in IIS 7. ...
1 5687
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/21/2014 11:50 AM
3 Replies and 6441 Views Webdav with DNN 7.01.01  6441  3 Started by  Sebastien Dupuis Webdav was not working on my new DNN 7.01.01 install and I finally saw the message in the web.config modification tool that 'WebDAV is not possible on your server due to the membership provider not being able to retrieve passwords. This is a new default setting since DNN 7.1. We're working on a solution.' Can you give me an ETA for the solution Looks like it's been a while and I really need this to work for my client's new site. Is there anything I can tweak to make this work, even if secur...
3 6441
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:56 AM
1 Replies and 4268 Views Can't See Files in Renamed Folder  4268  1 Started by  Connie I was previously able to map a drive to our DMX structure housed outside our domain. I couldn't see the contents of one folder and determined it was because it had a '' character in the name. I renamed the folder (which contained several subfolders) and now when I map I can still see everything else fine, but for this folder and its subfolders I can see only the folder structure but no files. Windows Explorer reports that they are empty. Coincidentally (), that is when we hit about 20,000 ...
1 4268
by  ConnieJump to last post
07/15/2014 4:39 PM
1 Replies and 5305 Views Coding.  5305  1 Started by  nikhil Can i alter the code of document Exchange module
1 5305
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/14/2014 12:29 PM
1 Replies and 5359 Views Support IE11 on option dmx WebDAV?  5359  1 Started by  Serge van Isterdael The option to open in windows explorer does not appear when using IE11. Is there a fix for this Regards, Serge
1 5359
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/30/2013 1:30 PM
1 Replies and 5878 Views WebDAV not working on DNN 7.02.00  5878  1 Started by  Serge van Isterdael After updating DNN from 6.02.09 to 7.02.00 WebDAV is not working anymore. While using IE10 and fiddler, I found that it stops on a 420 Access Denied after 5x 401 Unauthorized. Any help is appreciated. I noticed that only anonymous cookies are send. Regards, Serge This is a part of the fiddler log: OPTIONS /dmxdav.axd/Bestuur HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 translate: f Connection: Keep-Alive Host: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Via:...
1 5878
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/30/2013 1:28 PM
3 Replies and 6036 Views Update version number webdav  6036  3 Started by  Peter Nuiten Does anyone know if it's possible, when using WebDav, to update the version number when you save your document
3 6036
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/28/2013 9:35 PM
1 Replies and 4995 Views WebDAV and Folder / File Updates  4995  1 Started by  Nico A couple of questions : 1. If a person 'subscribes' to a folder and then they get an email notification including a link but there is no way to quickly know which doc was changed or updated within that folder. -IS there a configuration setting for this 2. Also, what about PDF doc changes If we change something on page 23 of a 'How To' doc, then will doc exchange Notification link, when clicked, display contents on page 23 Or does the user have to scroll through document to ...
1 4995
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/28/2013 9:34 PM
2 Replies and 5430 Views Copying files through Windows Explorer Slow  5430  2 Started by  Paul Krause Hello. I just downloaded and installed DMX on a new test server with only DNN 6.2.5 & SQL 2005. I set up a couple of users and I am accessing it on my local network through the same switch. Speed to the website is great. Accessing all functions through the regular DMX interfaces is great. However, the webdav speed is giving me fits. I really like the product but copying files to DMX through the Windows Explorer interface takes 20-60 seconds for even the smallest text file. So I downloaded...
2 5430
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/28/2013 9:32 PM
6 Replies and 7038 Views DMX WebDAV Active Directory  7038  6 Started by  Dr. Byrnsy Hello Peter, Let me first say how much I like Document Exchange. I have purchased a full license back in October for my company - though we are just now setting it up. I was able to get it set up fairly well so far, even with WebDAV through DNN. My question is with mounting a WebDAV folder through Windows Explorer. I am using Fiddler to trace the communication between Windows Explorer and DMX. I believe I have narrowed this down to an interference with the Active Directory Authenticat...
6 7038
by  Roy BarrowJump to last post
07/18/2013 7:01 PM
5 Replies and 5270 Views Trying to install WebDAV  5270  5 Started by  Roy Barrow Trying to follow the info in the installation manual on WebDAV...but I am confused. 2008R2/IIS7. The instructions say to edit the *.axd handler...but doesn't say which one...there are 4 of them on my installation. Do I need any particular server roles installed in addtion Are there any edits to the web.config How do I disable MS WebDAV to keep it from intercepting (IIS 6 mentions this but IIS 7 instructions do not) R
5 5270
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/15/2013 2:47 PM
6 Replies and 5748 Views IE 10  5748  6 Started by  Stefan Lamontagne Bonjour Peter, I havn't been able to get webdav working with IE10 yet. When opening a folder in windows explorer, i get a windows promt to connect to When i open a word document in word, the document opens in word but cannot save back to the folder. I have not fiddled with fiddler yet, i will look into that on monday, however i wanted to post this message to get a head start in hopes that you have had a chance to test with IE10 and might have a few tips for me on what to...
6 5748
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/13/2013 10:48 AM
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