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2 Replies and 7473 Views Enhancement Requests  7473  2 Started by  Chhavi Ability to change the permissions so that only certain roles can create new folders Ability to configure how many versions of documents to keep by each folder, rather than a global setting. Ability to delete the latest version of a file without deleting the entire document Ability to add Sort order to documents and folders. If I embed the link for a secure document in a page that is viewable by all, clicking on the link displays an error message “The Resource cannot be f...
2 7473
by  Eat Fresh!Jump to last post
10/15/2009 11:05 PM
6 Replies and 16631 Views Localization issues  16631  6 Started by  Yiji Rong When I click on ‘New Entry’, an edit screen is shown with various items of information.  On that page, I can’t find where to localize the text just below the breadcrumbs.  In front of the text, there is a symbol of a star.   New Item   I also can’t find where to localize the columns header in Version History and Log.   There are also a few tooltips that can’t be translated:   Ø       Sor...
6 16631
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/23/2007 10:52 PM
1 Replies and 9406 Views Document Exchange - default DNN file repository  9406  1 Started by  carljohanbolmsten The Document Exchange tool seems great for our business purposes. I have one question though: is the Document Exchange tool in any way linked to the default DNN file repository. We would like to continue to use the dashboard module and therefore wonder if it links to your tool (or maybe the same feature exists in your tool). Best Regards Johan Bolmsten
1 9406
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2007 11:09 PM
4 Replies and 7651 Views Ability to Subscribe other users  7651  4 Started by  Mike Willard Still in testing with DMX and someone brought up an interesting request. Is there a way to subscribe other users to an item.Example: We have docs in Public Folders now that, when updated, someone has to email a notification to all managers in the company that this has been updated. When using DMX to replace these folders, we need the ability to automatically subscribe this group rather than depend on them to subscribe themselves. That way, they would get automatic notifications rather than s...
4 7651
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2007 10:08 PM
5 Replies and 7003 Views When will the latest version of DMX be available?  7003  5 Started by  Chhavi Hello Peter, We are currently using Version 3.04.08 of DMX and are eagerly waiting fro the next version.  Do you have a release date for the next version Thanks, Chhavi
5 7003
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/29/2007 10:34 PM
0 Replies and 6144 Views Rename a file  6144  0 Started by  Barry Hi Is there a way I can rename a file that I've uploaded, rather than delete and upload again Thanks, Barry Ps Excellent programme
0 6144
04/19/2007 10:53 PM
3 Replies and 6454 Views Germain Suisse  6454  3 Started by  Ulrich Jenzer I use Germain Suisse Language. How con i make DMX Pro to use Germain (Suisse) Language Ulrich JenzerAGRIDEA.CH
3 6454
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/10/2007 10:01 AM
3 Replies and 7139 Views additional feature  7139  3 Started by  Farid Dear Peter I need your support for additional feature as follows: 1.  Additional field namely 'View Order',.  This field will become default sort order 2.  Additional field 'Expire Date', for each document.  When document reach its expire date, the document only can view by the administrator. Sorry to rush you, but I really need it urgently. regards Farid Azis
3 7139
by  FaridJump to last post
01/09/2007 4:10 PM
6 Replies and 6655 Views Exception after selecting German language  6655  6 Started by  Holger Kopf Hi,if i select German instead of English at my DNN (4.3.6) i got the following error with your DMX (03.04.08 .Net2). What is the reason for that Method: DotNetNuke.Services.Localization.Localization.LoadResourceStackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Beim Hinzufügen des Moduls zu ContentPane ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Localization.Localizatio...
6 6655
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/23/2006 9:29 PM
1 Replies and 6042 Views Changing File Lists  6042  1 Started by  Laurence Nash Hi, I've read through the File List section in the manual and understand the formatting used to define columns etc.  However how do you edit the .resx files.  I opened the diplayCategory one and altered it, just a single value, a column width, but it killed the module and i couldn't do anything but reinstall to resolve the issue. Is there a certain way of editting these that I'm missing Thanks for your help,Laurence
1 6042
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/09/2006 2:59 PM
2 Replies and 6460 Views Localize Toolbars and table headers  6460  2 Started by  Thomas Bekkers Hello,I can't find where to localize the name of buttons included in the tool bars like 'collections' 'categories' 'New Item' 'Delete' 'Cut'... I have looked to Local ressources but I can't find those elements. How can I localized them Same question for table headers like 'size', 'autor'...Thanks and merry christmas !Thomas.
2 6460
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/26/2005 4:52 PM
0 Replies and 6211 Views Localize Toolbars and table headers  6211  0 Started by  Thomas Bekkers Hello,I can't find where to localize the name of buttons included in the tool bars like 'collections' 'categories' 'New Item' 'Delete' 'Cut'... I have looked to Local ressources but I can't find those elements. How can I localized them Same question for table headers like 'size', 'autor'...Thanks and merry christmas !Thomas.
0 6211
12/26/2005 3:37 PM
1 Replies and 7009 Views Syncronized DMX folders  7009  1 Started by  Mike Willard Looking to use DMX for a library share for 50 US locations and ultimately, a global network, I'm wondering if there is a way to syncronize the repository for documents so that users are downloading documents from a local server rather than across the country.I realize this is not a DMX issue and perhaps beyond the scope of this board, but any suggestions for accomplishing this would be appreciated.
1 7009
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/08/2005 10:33 PM
3 Replies and 6471 Views When the DMX Profesional is 100 localization?  6471  3 Started by  Jesus Lopez The Localization of product not is 100, in much screens the text not in resource file is on .dll
3 6471
by  Jesus LopezJump to last post
09/04/2005 11:33 AM
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