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Last Post 10/03/2006 10:38 AM by  Peter Donker
Thumbnail for file being downloaded
 1 Replies
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James Harris
New Member
New Member

10/02/2006 7:55 AM

    I have seen previous posts on this, several months old, and was wondering if there has been any movement on the planning for this?

    I am just about to startup a subscription based site using the dnn repository module because it has the thumbnail option.

    I would prefer DMX for options of versioning, subscription etc but my target "Users" think with pictures.





    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/03/2006 10:38 AM

    It is present in DMX but the solution only works if your files are stored under the portals folder (i.e. the default solution) and not if you move it to some unc path. The thumbnails will be generated under Portals/[PortalID]/DMX/Thumbs/. To do this you need to add the following to the ColumnList.Text of the resource files of the screens you want to add it to:
    Where 150 is the width of the column. You can add the column wherever you want it. In the following example:

    Thumbnail||150|||||||;FileCheckBox|Select|24|||||||;TemplateIcon||24|||||~/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/images/View.gif|Details||EntryId||EntryId=[PARAMETERS]&Command=Core_ViewDetails|False||~/|Icon16||||;Description|Description2||||True|Description||||||Default|;StatusLocked||24||||||Locked|File;StatusPrivate||24||||||Private|;StatusDeleted||24||||||Deleted|;StatusApproved||24||||||Not Approved|;StatusAttention||24||||||Attention|;ActionDownload||24||||||Download|File;ActionJump||24||||||Jump|Hyperlink;ActionJumpNew||24||||||Jump in new window|Hyperlink;LastModified|Last Modified|100||{0:d}||LastModified|||;Author|Author|150||||Author|||File;DateSubmitted|Created|70||{0:d}||DateSubmitted|||;FileSize|Size|70||||FileSize|||File

    it will be stuck in front as the first column. Note that if you mess up this string, DMX won't render the list, so you'd better back up those resource files first! The resource files are called: ViewCollection.ascx.resx, ViewSubscriptions.ascx.resx, ViewCategory.ascx.resx, and Search.ascx.resx and can be found under DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX\App_LocalResources.


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