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Last Post 02/16/2007 4:37 PM by  Peter Donker
Searching within Documents
 9 Replies
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Tiphanie Combre
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10/06/2006 7:37 PM

    Is there a way to change the type of search that we originally setup. For instance, I believe to search within documents you can not check the option to change the file extension to ".resource". We currently have this checked and have been saving a lot of documents. This was before we realized we could search within documents if we did not do this.

    So, is there a way to change the behavior that we initially chose so that we can search within documents?

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/06/2006 8:40 PM
    There is no procedure for this. I'll see if I can add this in a future version. If you can't wait for this or want to do it yourself: in DMX_Entries there is a combination of an original filename and the current filename.
    Peter Milliner
    New Member
    New Member

    10/31/2006 3:25 AM

    We did the same thing.  When were not using full text search and had the rename to resource files checked.  Now my managers have requested we add this functionality.  We have approxiametly 500 documents.  How do we go about changing them back to original file types

    Peter M


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/31/2006 2:45 PM
    The same applies. You need to make a program that runs through the files in DMX_Entries, get the original filename, get the extension from that, use that in combination with 'Entry' to get a new filename and do a rename.
    Peter Milliner
    New Member
    New Member

    11/09/2006 11:31 PM
    Posted By Peter Donker on 10/31/2006 14:45:29
    The same applies. You need to make a program that runs through the files in DMX_Entries, get the original filename, get the extension from that, use that in combination with 'Entry' to get a new filename and do a rename.


    Not really a full time programmer, dabble in small scripts - will this be an SQL update statement that is required.  Do not really know how to go about it.

    Can you point me in the right direction.




    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    11/10/2006 12:35 AM
    You need a programmer for this. I plan to incorporate export and renaming features in DMX 4, so alternatively you could wait for a couple of months.
    New Member
    New Member

    02/12/2007 3:58 PM

    peter did you write this routine after

    Ive done exactly the same

    migrated all our documents onto our intranet - setup permissions etc etc

    now I want to full text search but can as the files are named .resource

    I now want to rename them back to their original name?

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/12/2007 9:12 PM
    This process will be implemented using a wizard structure that is going to be a generic part of DMX 4. This requires quite some work and careful thought. So in reply to your question: no it has not yet been written, nor does it look like it will be implemented before DNN 4.

    Some extra background info: with this type of operation you need to write code to (1) circumvent timeouts because you might have a lot of content to rename, (2) provide good progress feedback to the user just in case things fail ... Just a couple of points that are on the to-do list for this
    Peter Milliner
    New Member
    New Member

    02/15/2007 1:17 AM

    As we have only a few hundred documents and I cannot find anyone to write script.  Just checking if I can manually replace .resources files with .doc or .pdf or whatever the extension maybe.  Is this all I need to do? or is there something else I need to change.




    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/16/2007 4:37 PM
    What you need to do for each record in DMX_Entries:
    1. If 'entry' ends in .resources continue, otherwise it's fine
    2. Examine 'originalfilename' to determine extension. Replace the extension in 'entry' with the found original extension (note: leave the filename intact, it's just the extension that counts).
    3. Find the file you renamed (i.e. the text in the field 'entry') on hard disk and replace the extension.

    That should be it.
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