We are in the process of sharing documents with our customer and our subcontractors.
We want our subcontractors only to view documents which relate to them. Our customer should be able to see all of the documents from all of our subcontractors.
I have created roles for each subcontractor in DNN. These roles are assigned to the appropriate subcontractor. I have created several pages, a main page (for ourselves and our client) on which all of the documents are shown in their own collection and a few subbpages which are only accessible to our subcontractors.
The mainpage shows all of the collections in the DMX module combined with the navigator. This works fine both for ourselves and our client.
The subbpages which should show only the documents of our subcontractors show all of the documents to ourselves. But when i log in as a customer is shows just an empty colltion.
When creating those collections i have selected the roles of our client/subcontractors and ourselves. I assumed that this would make it all hapen but i got lost somewhere.
Please advise,
PS: where can i check to see which roles are assigned to the collections?