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Last Post 12/12/2007 11:46 AM by  Peter Donker
Duplicate Collection and Files
 5 Replies
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Jerry Andersen
New Member
New Member

04/03/2007 5:04 PM


    I'm using version 03.04.09 on a 4.4.1 install.  I have been adding documents via the module and after adding a few folders, the Root Collections show that I have duplicate folders.  One folder contains my docs while the other folder is empty.  I deleted the folder and it deletes both folders from the root collection.   It is also duplicating documents.  I'm not sure why this started happening.  I do know that this appeared to have happened right after I installed the what's new module.  I don't know if that is releated to this or not.  But can you please assist me in fixing this issue.  I have a 100's of docs that I've uploaded.  I've checked the database and it appears to be only have a single entry for collections and documents yet the module shows duplicate folders and docuemtns.


    Jerry Andersen
    Omaha Public Schools

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    04/04/2007 7:45 PM
    Let me get this straight: after installing What's New you saw duplications in the regular view of DMX? If so can you please copy-paste me the following SQL Stored Procedure: DMX_GetCollectionContents.
    Jerry Andersen
    New Member
    New Member

    04/04/2007 8:21 PM

    I've tried to duplicate the error. And it is not the what's new module. I've narrowed it down to the copy page function. When I try to copy a page(tab) with a dmx module on there, the new page shows all my copied modules except the dmx module. When I go back to the original page I tried to copy the DMX module list duplicate folders and files.
    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    04/05/2007 9:10 PM
    A, now it makes sense. DMX has an implementation of the IPortale interface, meaning that its contents can be folded into a portal template. There is one big issue that cannot be solved by DMX which is that DNN assumes all modules have just data pertaining to that module instance. This is a DNN design flaw that has been pointed out many times to the core team, but they've not cared to respond to. Modules like DMX have data that is 'portal wide' (i.e. it shares data across any number of DMX instances in a single portal). Thus, when exporting content, if you have multiple DMX instances, they all export the same data. And when you import this, multiple instances will then each recreate the data so duplications will exist.
    I've not removed the IPortable interface, because it can be used as long as people are aware that DMX is not a regular (small) DNN module with only data in 'module context'.
    When copying a module, when you select 'copy contents' it runs the IPortable methods responsible for exporting and recreating content. Make sure when you copy a DMX to DESELECT this or all the data will be recreated.

    Paul kavanagh
    New Member
    New Member

    12/11/2007 5:39 PM

    Hi Peter,

    Just saw this post, and it echos the issue I was seeing. Now that I know, I will do it differently going forward. Do you have any suggestions for cleanup of the existing duplicate folders? Perhaps a cleanup SQL script that I can run that will delete empty duplicate folders? Or even some pointers for a manual cleanup?

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12/12/2007 11:46 AM
    Hi Paul,

    Not off-hand. If stuff is replicated then what you might do is to narrow it down to the Entry IDs in DMX_Entries that were created. You'll need to determine where this started and note the EntryID and then check where it ended and delete all EntryIDs between. It's the best I can think of. In DMX 3 this should rip out any related data of those entries.

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