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Last Post 05/31/2007 12:11 AM by  Eric Swanzey
subscription confusion
 6 Replies
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Eric Swanzey
New Member
New Member

05/25/2007 3:25 AM

    With DMX3 current version, is there a way to disable the subscription checkbox appearing next to collections in the display? I want files only to be subscribed to, not colections.

    The reason is that when next to collections, it causes a great deal of confusion. People sunscribe to a root level collection thinking they'll get notified for every revision/addition in the library and get nothing.

    My understanding (please correct me if wrong) is that when subscribing to a collection, it ONLY pertains to documents within that collection, NOT documents within a collection that are in that collection.


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    05/25/2007 1:47 PM
    Correct. Subscribing to a collection means you only watch content in that collection, not in its subcollections. Subscription of Collection 0 (i.e. absolute root) is impossible as it is not tied to any existing entity (it's best to start DMX by making some collections and start your document management from there because it is so much easier from an administrative point of view). Disabling it for collections would mean making it invisible when viewing a collection. That can be done quite simply by editing the ViewCollection.ascx and changing the following:


    to read as follows:


    This will remove those buttons from the collection view page.

    Eric Swanzey
    New Member
    New Member

    05/26/2007 3:20 PM
    I tried your suggestion just to see what it might offer up but couldn't see a change in the disply - the subscription checkboxes still appeared everywhere on both collections and individual entries.
    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    05/28/2007 11:32 PM
    Hi Eric,
    This puzzles me as I've just verified this on my own installation and it did remove the buttons. What version of DNN/DMX are you using?
    Eric Swanzey
    New Member
    New Member

    05/30/2007 1:40 AM

    Peter - DNN v4.5.1 with DMX v3.4.9.

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    05/30/2007 11:19 PM
    Now I notice you're talking about the checkboxes (and not the buttons). These are not 'subscription checkboxes' but 'selection checkboxes'. They serve to select items in a collection that you want to perform some operation on (delete, subscribe, lock, etc). Do you want to get rid of those?
    Eric Swanzey
    New Member
    New Member

    05/31/2007 12:11 AM
    Yes, but selectively - ideally they would only display next to file items and not collections.
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