I currently use version 3.4.10.
I like the concept of a subscription service for DMX. I do not like how it currently generates a million emails when I do ordinary maintenance tasks.
Example: I subscribed to a folder in DMX. Then I started moving documents around, slightly modifying the names of files, assigning files to additional categories, updating the security for files, adding keywords, adding remarks, deleting files, undeleting files, marking items as private, etc... by the time I was done, I had an inbox full of notifications!!!! That needs to change.
What we really need is the ability to create subscriptions for files and folders with the ability to choose the events for each notifications. For instance, as an end-user I could care less if the administrators change the categories, security, keywords, remarks, etc... All I would care about is if there was a new version uploaded. In the case of a folder, I might like to know if any new files were added.
You need to offer a list of events to monitor on a per file/folder basis.