Hi Peter,
I make a test with version 4.0.1 and here are some problems encountered :
- I don't see the possibility to disconnect the approval funtionnality either on the whole DMX or a specific folder. It seems that the option "Needs Approval" is not yet available (I think I see it in a previous documentation). It's important in some case because when uploading 100 news files, we can't ask to a person to validate file one by one...
- A authorized users created a folder and fill it with some files. The system permits to another authorized user to approve file but nobody (even the host) are able to approve the folder (thus the files remains invisible except for the creator)
- The function "Add to the clipboard" don't seems to work (no reaction at all). I see it was working in a previous version in the beta2 website but not on mine. Is it working in the last 4.0.1 version?
- And finally, just a wish. Will it be possible in the future to upload a zip file in a directory and explode it automatically (as DNN do with his file manager system)?
For the rest everything seems to work fine. Good job.