No is not stupid Question?
DMX use since Version 4 the free Open-Source Search Engine Indexing Lucene
instead of Microsoft-Indexing Service before.
Link to Lucene: Index is created in the followed Directory when you make a re-indexing and so.
You have here a Directory Index and Temp, in the Directory Index is placed the Index was created from Lucene.
You can verify the Index with the Luke-Tool for Lucene what you find here. But you need here Java to run the Tools but you install this from the Luke Website.
Luke: When you make a reindexing the Portal and Lucene must have access to the Network-Share.
View on the File-Server where you have located your Share for Access-Denied Entries in the Eventlog
that you can see what User-Account will access to this Share. Network-Share-Access in Dot.Net is
general very heavy.
We need this Solution also but we have currently not time to verify this self and have so moved for this
Moment the Documents in the Default-Document Folder on the Webserver. but we have configured MS-DFS
currently to have a Backup from all Files on a second File-Server.