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Last Post 01/08/2008 6:19 PM by Rob Ralston. 1 Replies.
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Philipp Becker
New Member
New Member

01/04/2008 11:58 AM

Hi Peter,

I have  a customer who needs a storage area where clients can upload files and view files to approve work. The tricky thing is that a client may only view files that either have been uploaded by the client or that have been uploaded for them.


Can this be done with DMX?

Rob Ralston
Basic Member
Basic Member

01/08/2008 6:19 PM


To accomplish this, I would create a structure like this:

  • Under the DMX root, create a folder called "Client Files"
  • Under Client Files, create subfolders for each existing client.
  • Create Security Roles specific to each client company.
  • Set required permissions on the client folders using the appropriate client security role
  • Add client users to the associated security role.

This will keep each client's files private, and provide the capability you described.

Hope this helps.

Rob Ralston

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