As you suggested, I tested out the SQL Statement replacing {objectqualifier} with dbo and determined the problem to be at the following point highlighted in black:
An error occurred in the following search:
SELECT e.*, ext.Icon16, (SELECT Description FROM {objectQualifier}DMX_Entries AS p WHERE p.EntryId = {objectQualifier}DMX_Entries.CollectionId) AS CollectionName, 1 AS Rank FROM {objectQualifier}DMX_Entries e INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}DMX_Extensions ext ON e.EntryType = ext.ExtensionKey WHERE ((e.PortalId = 0) AND (ext.PortalId = 0) AND (e.EntryId = e.LastVersionId)) AND ((e.Description LIKE '%fha%'))
If you change the highlighted portion to "p.CollectionId" the statement will not error.
Incidently, the error code you get in SQL Server is the following:
"Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "dbo.DMX_Entries.CollectionId" could not be bound."
This seems to point at the qualifier as being the culprit.