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Last Post 02/15/2008 9:16 PM by  Peter Donker
Intermediate problem downloading files from DMX 3
 7 Replies
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Corey Cook
New Member
New Member

02/13/2008 4:36 AM

    We are currently running DNN V3.0.0 and DMX V3.  We have intermediate issues with people not being able to download the file from DMX - it just doesn't allow them to save it - but the person next to them can - and they have the same setup.


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/13/2008 10:25 PM
    Hi Corey,

    So what does it allow these people to do? They click on the document and then what happens? It opens in the browser? Note that the behavior of the browser when it receives a file is set in the browser and is only controlled by the server in a limited way.

    Corey Cook
    New Member
    New Member

    02/14/2008 4:30 AM

    They can open PDF documents no problem, but if they try and open MS Office documents (or download them) - the message that comes up says:


    Do you want to save this file, or find a program online to open it?

    Name:     download.aspx


    Open      Save     Cancel



    If you save this document to the desktop and then rename it with the correct extension, it opens the file, but won't open it directly from the site.



    Corey Cook
    New Member
    New Member

    02/14/2008 4:36 AM

    Another clue

    When I access the intranet directly and try and access these files - I am able to open it in the correct application.

    But when I access our intranet through the secure Citrix Remote client - this is when I get the error.

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/14/2008 9:37 AM
    Hi Corey,

    It looks like something that was solved a while ago. What is the exact version of DMX? Are you on the latest DMX 3 version?

    Corey Cook
    New Member
    New Member

    02/15/2008 2:57 AM
    What is the latest verison of DMX 3? and where can I get it from if I need it?
    Corey Cook
    New Member
    New Member

    02/15/2008 3:17 AM
    It appears as though we are running DMX V3.04.05 - does this help?
    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/15/2008 9:16 PM
    Hi Corey,

    If you bought through Snowcovered then you'll find it under 'patches & hotfixes'. All updates are posted there. The current version is 03.05.05.

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