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Date format on Shortlist
Last Post 06/02/2008 5:36 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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Simon Goodchild
New Member
New Member

05/30/2008 3:51 PM

Having installed the en-GB language pack and enabled it, the date format in the shortlist module is still M/D/Y - can you please let me know how to change the format to match the portal format (ie. UK date format, DD/MM/YYYY)


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/30/2008 7:07 PM

As you can see in the ascx file, the format is taken from the current context:

<%# CType(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.LastModified"), Date).ToString("d") %>

the ToString("d") means show in short date format according to current thread culture. It is DNN that manages this by setting the thread to your preferred locale or whatever you select in the language selector.


Simon Goodchild
New Member
New Member

06/02/2008 11:00 AM

Thanks Peter - I shifted servers an tried putting on the GB pack and removing the US pack and it worked! Thanks for your reply.

The shortlist module is great, but one that clients may well want to customise in terms of columns showing, even the order of them.

I see the datagrid in the .ascx file but may want to change something in the code behind - is the source code available for this module?

Thanks, Simon

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/02/2008 5:36 PM
Hi Simon,

I'll make the source of Shortlist available shortly. I want to get DMX 04.03.00 out first (I hope before July) and then get some of this stuff up. If you can't wait, drop me an email and I'll zip what I have here.

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