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Incorporating DMX Search in DNN Search
Last Post 02/05/2013 8:26 PM by Peter Donker. 8 Replies.
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Simon Goodchild
New Member
New Member

06/03/2008 7:05 PM

Hi - I've tried following the instructions from search/help as below, but get the following:

If done via the script, nothing is added to my DNN Search Results page

If done manually, I add the DMX main module to my search page, and get the following error:

An error has occurred.
Error loading bring2mind/dmx/search.ascx

I've checked for bring2mind/dmx/search.ascx and it doesn't exist, hence the error I guess!

Any ideas as functionality wise, my client wants to be able to search their whole site for a piece of content - both web page content and document content. Visitors to their can't be expected to use two different search methods in this day and age!

Many thanks, Simon

Incorporating DMX Search in DNN Search

One of the FAQs of DMX is ‘Does DMX search integrate with DNN search?’ and when the answer is given (‘No’) the next question usually is ‘Why not?’ The reason is the way DNN search was designed. DNN search asks every module for a list of ‘things’ that it can index and an associated key to use in the querystring to link to the original content. Not bad for great many modules. But DMX allows you to define for every single item who is allowed to see it. The DNN search architecture does not allow for the module to tell it who the item is for. Instead, DNN uses the module’s visibility settings to determine who the item is for. In the case of DMX this is wholly inadequate. It would mean everyone would see all documents even when they were not entitled to see them.
So is there a workaround? Well, there is the following possibility: we add something to the ‘Search Results’ page to show DMX content. Whenever a user enters a text in the DNN search box and clicks ‘Search’ the browser is redirected to the Search Results page and the search text is incorporated in the querystring. This we can leverage to search DMX and show results. DMX has a control (Search.ascx) that was designed to do this.
To use the DMX Search control on the Search Results page, you can run a script (DMX Menu: Admin > Run Script) that was designed to do this. Alternatively you can do it by hand. Add an instance of DMX to the Search Results page, open the module settings and set the default control to load to Search.ascx. That should give you the search results for DMX below the regular search results of DNN.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/03/2008 11:55 PM
Which version of DMX are you using Simon? This functionality was added a while ago, but from the looks of it your DMX is even older.

Simon Goodchild
New Member
New Member

06/04/2008 10:52 AM
Hi Peter -

DMX version 04.02.02
DMX shortlist version 02.00.01
DNN version 04.08.02

Simon Goodchild
New Member
New Member

06/04/2008 11:19 AM
I've upgraded DMX to 04.02.03 (trial version)
I ran the script to add to search results page, the module appeared.
On the module settings it is set to show search.ascx
I've let the schedule complete a search re-index.
The schedule has completed successfully.
Searching with the DNN search box, I enter part of a document title but nothing is returned (the document is public for all to see).

I'm running the trial version as this is a development version, we will install the licenced version on the clients live server.
The website is at, the library is on a page under Home tab.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/05/2008 12:13 AM
Are you using a superuser account to view stuff? Remember that superuser accounts do not have roles in portals and this can lead to permission issues. I'll have a look at the site.

Rob Ralston
Basic Member
Basic Member

06/05/2008 7:38 PM

Hi Peter,

Isn't this the same problem I reported in this thread (also, your bugnet ID DMX4-025)

Rob Ralston

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/05/2008 11:16 PM
Thanks for the link. That helps.
Gary Whittaker
New Member
New Member

02/01/2013 2:20 PM
I know this is an older post but i have the same error and i am on DMX v 6.01.03

I ran the script as described, it added the module to my SearchResults page but it cant find the DesktopModules/Bring2Mind/DMX/Search.ascx, i have checked and its not there?

Any help please?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/05/2013 8:26 PM
Hi Gary,

Please for now just add the module by hand to the search results page and set the UI to "search" (Module Settings). The script attempts to do the same, but it has been hard to keep up with the changes in DNN recently.

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