Hello Peter,
We thought we would list a few « Nice-to-have’s » for the next DMX version, that would make our job a lot easier.
First, this is a rather critical point concerning Notification. Lets say we have 3 types of users: Webmasters (View, Edit, and Approve permissions), Publishers (View and Edit), and Subscribers (View only). If a Publisher adds a doc for approval, if the Webmaster modifies anything (metadata or content) before approving, no notification is sent to anyone. This is critical because the workflow is lost.
Second, When a Webmaster publishes a document, there should not be an Approval Request notification sent to other webmasters. It should be assumed that a Webmaster can approve his own docs, and does not need others’ permission. (Yes, we have multiple WMs…)
Thirdly, once a Webmaster approves a doc, a notification should be sent to the Publisher of that doc to inform him action was taken, and his document was approved. On the same note, a notification should be sent to other Webmasters to inform them someone else has approved the doc, and that no further action is required from them.
Finally, it would be very useful for Administrators to have an option that disables/enables Notification site-wide. This is especially useful for maintenance purposes, not to notify users unnecessarily.
When are you expecting the release of DMX 4.3?
Thanks again for the great product and support you’re providing!