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Displaying other portal folders
Last Post 07/29/2008 5:13 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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enno lueckel
New Member
New Member

07/27/2008 12:27 PM


is there any way to display also folders outside of DMX? The thing what I want to do is to display files and folders residing on a local folder structure even being outside the portal folders. like "d:\ftp\upadtes\" ... is that possible?

We had been using speerio before, but their module is far from stable.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/27/2008 8:16 PM
Hi Enno,

DMX does not 'mirror' existing directories. The most important reason is that in document management you want things like version control. So this leads to separating the files from the physical file structure. In DMX they're taken apart and stored somewhere else and then managed by the module. This not only allows us to do versioning, it also gives us more power in security.

enno lueckel
New Member
New Member

07/28/2008 2:00 PM
thanks for the fast as usual feedback. I do understand why it is not part of DMX - the reason we need it is, that we want allow users to browse content on the filesystem (our updates) via DMX. Well if it is not possible, there is nothing we can do.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/29/2008 5:13 PM
Hi Enno,
You can always use WebDAV to browse stuff in your Windows Explorer. What I'm saying is that DMX does not 'mirror' an existing file structure somewhere on disk for the afore mentioned reasons. You can import existing file structures but then they are branched from where they were imported from.
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