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Last Post 01/01/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
Hiding Columns on the File Lists
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Author Messages
Farrah Roberts
New Member
New Member

11/25/2005 12:17 PM

    I'm in the process of making some changes to the columns on the file lists.  I want to hide the column for 'Author'. Can I do this and if so what value/variable do I need to put in the resource files?

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    New Member

    11/25/2005 12:32 PM
    The column definition in the DMX 3.x versions is in a resource string called ColumnList.Text. What you see in ViewCollection.ascx.resx for instance, is:

    FileCheckBox|Select|24|||||||;TemplateIcon||24|||||~/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/images/View.gif|Details||EntryId||EntryId=[PARAMETERS]&Command=Core_ViewDetails|False||~/|Icon16||||;Description|Description||||True|Description||||||Default|;StatusLocked||24||||||Locked|File;StatusPrivate||24||||||Private|;StatusDeleted||24||||||Deleted|;StatusApproved||24||||||Not Approved|;StatusAttention||24||||||Attention|;ActionDownload||24||||||Download|File;ActionJump||24||||||Jump|Hyperlink;ActionJumpNew||24||||||Jump in new window|Hyperlink;LastModified|Last Modified|100||{0:d}||LastModified|||;Author|Author|150||||Author|||File;DateSubmitted|Created|70||{0:d}||DateSubmitted|||;FileSize|Size|70||||FileSize|||File

    The columns are separated by semicolons. The data for each column is internally separated by the pipe symbol (|). If you want to take out the Author column you will find it as:


    If you remove this then it will vanish. Note that DNN/DMX makes use of caching so you might have to reset IIS for changes to take effect (although I believe for resources it is automatically updated when you save the file).

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