One of my QA guys had a bit of a weird occurrence today (which I verified). He was using a normal user account which only has permission to see a limited set of files in DMX, a file was deleted (this may or may not be relevant) and afterwards he could see all the DMX files on the site.
These increased permissions were persistent across multiple logins and logouts and on different computers. About an hour after the phenomena started it stopped.
Comparing what parts of the application the user could access with the code it seems that Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Security.DMXUser.IsInGodMode was evaluating to true well DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.IsSuperUser was evaluating to false.
I thought that these 2 properties were equivalent, but it doesn't seem that way, so my question is how is "God Mode" defined in DMX?
Running DMX 4.2.3 if it matters.