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Last Post 01/01/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
Sorting By Custom Attributes
 1 Replies
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Jeff Berg
New Member
New Member

11/29/2005 2:54 AM


    I was setting up DMX today to mimic a current document library that my company uses. I managed to figure out how to add custom attributes and new columns for each of those attributes, but I can't seem to get the library to sort via those attributes.

    Alternatively, I also purchased the source code for the application. Is it possible to modify the DMX_Entries table to include fields for those extra attributes?




    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    11/29/2005 9:25 AM


    It is possible, but note that that is just a first step. Then you'll need to adjust the DAL (Data Access Layer) to reflect those changes. I.e. Sql SPROCS, DataProvider and SqlDataProvider, and ObjectsBLL. Finally you will need to change the UI.

    About the sorting: Did you use the SortExpression field in the column list yet? This is position 6 in the array of the column parameters. Your column would be something like:

    CustAtt1|My Custom Attribute|||||CustAtt1||||

    The first 'CustAtt1' is the reference for the value it is to display, the second is on what it should sort. The idea is that this would allow the column to sort.


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