Obviously anything can be done. But can it be done with your partial source.
I need to perform a number of customizations some will require source others will not, can you let me know if I buy the source will I be able to customize these features.
- Display a disclaimer before the upload of files (I am guessing I can modify the ascx control for uploading now to do this)
- Only allow pdf and jpg images. This can be a simple file check when they try to upload a file. maybe even a regular expression before pressing upload. No need for an interface.]
- Eventually I need to convert all files to pdf when uploaded, not an immediate requirement.
- Search custom fields in a variety of ways ( I believe this already exists)
- Archive old documents to an archive folder. Basically, just move a folder so that it appears under another folder titled archive. Looking at the DB this seems quite doable.
- Modify the pop-up menu on folders to remove items that users shouldn't see.
I really like the module as a whole, just have some unique requirements.