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Last Post 01/01/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
Document naming after download
 1 Replies
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Andrew Haslett
New Member
New Member

12/06/2005 2:10 AM
    Greetings all - wondering if anyone has had any success with retaining the name of a file after download, when using the 'View' option as the default action for word or excel document.

    Ideally, we would like to make available templates that users could open with a single click (hence the 'View' default action) as they would in a normal network environment, and be given a new document.

    We've tried this with actual file (.doc or .xls) or with template files (.dot or .xlt) and they seem to open OK, but the name of the file is always some derivation of default (from the default.aspx page I assume).

    The problem being when a user goes to save the document the initial filename supplied is an issue - not so much in MS Word as it drops the .aspx, but in excel the default document name becomes:  "copy of default.aspx" - including the quotes.

    If a user saves this document without altering the name then they can no longer open it.

    Is it even possible to inject the name when streaming a file using the default VIEW option?


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12/08/2005 9:54 AM


    I'm not sure how this can happen. We do everything according to the rules by specifying a filename when we pump the file to the client. This is set to the same name as the original filename when uploaded. Aparently browsers can disregard this header and make their own name. There is a chance the new download method will solve all issues.


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