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Last Post 01/20/2006 7:56 PM by  Peter Donker
Redirect Issue
 6 Replies
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Jason K
New Member
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12/06/2005 9:20 PM

    In previous discussions, you mentioned that DMX uses DotNetNuke's security to redirect a user, if they do not have rights to a document.  Unfortunately, I'm still having an issue with this.

    I created links that point to documents in Document Exchange, with the intention that they be prompted to log into the site, if needed.  Document Exchange does not redirect correctly. 

    I'm running DNN 3.2 and am testing now with a clean version of it. 

    The URL I use:

    It tries to go to:

    When it should be going to:

    There is no Login.aspx.  Could you please confirm that DMX is accessing the login that is selected from the Admin Settings section of the site?




    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12/08/2005 9:56 AM

    This is not something the module controller controls. This is done by the core framework. Please post this to the core framework forum to find out more about this behavior.


    Jason K
    New Member
    New Member

    01/17/2006 8:04 PM
    Hi, Peter.

    I hate to press the issue, but I've tried the forums and there is no reference to Login.aspx since the 3.x release. I've searched through not only the config files, but also through the entirety of the DNN 3.2 source code & I can't find a single reference to Login.aspx. I've even stepped through the code in debug mode & can't track it down outside of DMX.

    I've tried testing the DMX module on a new install of DNN 3.2 (on a different machine) and came up with the same redirect error. This is a hot topic with my client & I've exhausted my avenues of resolution. It's possible I missed something, but where? I'm afraid without this being resolved quickly (problem is over a month & a half old on production box), my client may back off of DMX altogether.

    Needless to say, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    01/17/2006 10:56 PM

    What happens is the following:

    1. You ask for the document using the first url (it has recently been changed to download.aspx, but that does not effect this issue. Did you try DMX 3.2.1 yet?)
    2. This page inherits from a DNN core standard page. This standard page will ask for a user's credentials. This is essential for all th framework's operation. DMX, for instance, before serving the document, asks for the user's credentials. This is a call to the core DNN framework (much like: 'hey, who's this calling me?'). DNN, realizing it has nothing on the user yet, goes through a verification process. This process attempts to (a) log in the user through the cookies that user has on his own PC or, if that fails, (b) redirect to the login page that is specified by the admin of the portal.

    I don't know who is calling the login.aspx for you, but I can assure you: there is nothing in the DMX module that remotely resembles a call to such a page. I wish I knew who's doing the calling. Do you have any other authentication software installed?

    Try the following: copy the url to a page not visible to anonymous users and click that when not logged in. Does it bring up the login screen? Secondly: try logging in and select 'remember me'. What happens now when you click the DMX download url?

    Andrew Haslett
    New Member
    New Member

    01/18/2006 12:39 AM
    I think Tams Authentication module redirects to a login.aspx. Now that its built into the core its changed to winlogon.aspx, but the process is the same.

    Jason K
    New Member
    New Member

    01/20/2006 7:22 PM
    It is possible that the UserAttributes module is causing this. I'm looking into this.

    I did notice in the latest DMX version that it displays "You do not have access to this item." rather than redirecting to the login page, when a user does not have appropriate rights. Is this the case?

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    01/20/2006 7:56 PM
    I'm not sure about UserAttributes. The DMX message is more my terrain. When trying to retrieve a file to which you have no access, the message will be shown, yes.
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