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Last Post 04/20/2009 3:23 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Kenneth Hoffman
New Member
New Member

04/17/2009 4:46 AM

I have a ton questions..

And I can't seem fo find a Manual.. just short incomplete help topics etc. Is there one so I don't need to pepper you with lots of questions?

My dream would be to have an extension like catagories list that lets me filter on atributes etc.

Example I want to have expiration dates for contents and mark some as customer ready or not.

then set up a listing of specific catagory that fits that filter.

I would also like an (AND/OR/NOR) between catagories.. So I can have a modual on a page that was

Product A AND PPT Decks  (but not Product A and Word docks) 


I need a query module that doesn't need me to be a programer to dfine what is shown without bulding convoluted catatgory schema.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/20/2009 3:23 PM
Hi Kenneth,

There are no methods out of the box for this. The help files are the manual for regular use of DMX. The breadth of what DMX is used for makes it next to impossible to cover with a user's manual like you suggest. The forums in part are meant to help in cases like this. Your questions all point in the direction of extensions of the module. This means:

1. Crafting new SQL (like for your first request for filtering content by attribute, or your last for filtering based on AND/OR/NOR in categories)
2. Workflow, necessitating the creation of a scheduled task that works on the DMX data

There is no out-of-the-box query module that magically does all this. You'll need some investment. Usually the cheapest path is by taking an existing project like the CatShortlist you mentioned and take it from there. We offer services to do this for you (contact us by email with a detailed spec for an offer on Regardless who does this, one of the criteria should always be to not fork the module or touch the DAL/BLL of the core DMX. That way you can keep upgrading the core module with minimal investments.

Peter Donker
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