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Missing Table DMX_LongTexts
Last Post 06/30/2009 10:16 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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moore creative
New Member
New Member

06/20/2009 12:32 AM

I've installed, removed (manually) and re-installed DMX in a new instance of DNN 4.9.0 with every version of DMX from 5.0.1 up to 5.1.1 and keep getting hte following error when trying to add the module to a page.

DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Invalid object name 'dbo.DNN1_DMX_LongTexts'. Invalid object name 'dbo.DNN1_DMX_LongTexts'.

I've checked the SQL db and that table is definitely NOT there and there is at least one stored procedure referring to that table as well. Any ideas why that table is not getting installed along with all of the other tables? Do you have a list of tables so I could verify if others are missing? Perhaps you could PM or email me the Create Table script so I could manually create it?



Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/30/2009 10:16 PM

That is definitely abnormal and a sign of a fault in the installation procedure. Note that you do not need to install previous versions first of the module. You can install the last one straight away. The scripts are auto-incrementing and have been rigorously tested. You should do the following:
1. uninstall the module and delete all its files
2. remove all traces from SQL (i.e. everything prefixed by DMX_)
3. Ensure adequate executionTimeout in the web.config
4. Upload the latest version (or the version you want to work with in any case).

Trying to hack a solution by adding this table still does not guarantee a working solution. Obviously various scripts have not run and it's impossible to determine where it broke.

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