Hi Peter
"BTW .. the issue of the dash was resolved earlier and DMX 5.3.3 handles these just fine. Your search results illustrated that. 1234-5 does indeed return 1234-5678. I just reverified this."
agreed that 1234-5 does indeed return 1234-567
Search: 5678
1234 5678
DOES NOT return?
its as if the "-" and "_" concatenate the two "word" and then the part of "Lucene does not support searching on parts of a string that are not the beginning" kicks in?
but " " and + treat 5678 as two words and does show up? so "-" and "_" are treated differently from "+" " "
Did some investigation
"Lucene does not support searching on parts of a string that are not the beginning. I.e. 12 works, but 23 doesn't. This is a quirk of Lucene, not DMX."
going to the LUCENE index using
http://www.getopt.org/luke/webstart.html Connect to index
ANALYSIS : org.apache.lucene.analysis.SimpleAnalyzer
Default Field: Title
Query Parser: Allow leading * in wildcard queries
Search Expression:
*567* returns everything with 567 in it
567* returns everything with a "word" starting with 567 ie "1234+5678.txt"
so using "Allow leading * in wildcard queries" and using * in the query seems to allow me to "support searching on parts of a string that are not the beginning."
This lead me to "The current QueryParser disallows leading wildcard characters by default."
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1795 dated
LUCENE-1795.patch 2009-08-10 08:52 AM
going to have to check DNN to see what lucene version and patches i have.
Thanks for the assist so far