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move 03.04.08 files to 05.02.01
Last Post 12/14/2009 12:01 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

12/14/2009 4:27 AM

Is there a script available to move 3.04.08 documents to 05.02.01 on an different DNN instance (different portal id).  I'm in the process of retiring a current DNN instance and moving the files to a different instance (same web server).  Both instances are using the same SQL Server (different databases).  The reason for the move is that I had so much problems with the older version of DNN and it would not upgrade.  So the next best thing was to create a new version and move old stuff over.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/14/2009 12:01 PM
Hi Bill,

There isn't one because so much of the data is tied to users and roles. These do not correspond from portal to portal. You'd need to try to migrate your data from one 03.04.08 to another 03.04.08 first and then upgrade to 5. You could attempt the migration with a tool like Red Gate SQL data compare. And then you'll need to make sure that things like the AdministratorRoleID (in portals) is correctly mapped and all role IDs are still the same in the target installation.

Another approach is to export the current content. Then you'd lose the permission structure though. Exporting is not a feature of DMX 3 but it could be programmed.

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