I could not manage to get work the following within DMX :
Right-Click on a folder and choose 'Open in Windows Explorer'
Right-Click on a file (.doc) and choose 'Open in Word' (the Word-Doc opens in Word but in read-only mode)
So I decided to connect with http://www.webdrive.com. At one step I could check the connection. Here's the error-message:
Connecting to site DMX_Interway
Connecting to http://www.wartmann-grupp...ay.ch/dmxdav.axd/New Base Folder/Wartmann Holding AG/Test Ordner
Resolving url www.wartmann-gruppe.ch.kyoto.interway.ch to an IP address
Url resolved to IP address
Connecting to on port 80
Connected successfully to the server on port 80
Unable to connect to server, error information below
Error: HTTP Error response received from server, erorr=404 (4516)
Operation: Connecting to server
Server Response: 404 Not Found
Client: Windows 7
Server: Windows 2003 Server
DMX: Version 5.2.2
Do you know what's wrong here?
Kind Regards