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recover files from graveyard?
Last Post 06/01/2012 11:07 AM by Peter Donker. 6 Replies.
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Cape Fear Web Masters
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03/11/2010 10:16 PM

is there anyway to recover a file from the graveyard?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/15/2010 11:19 AM
Hi Robb,

Not yet. The current solution just prevents the loss of data. We're working on a UI to retrieve data.

Stuart Hilbert
New Member
New Member

08/18/2010 2:27 PM

Even if there isn't a GUI way to restore files from the graveyard is there is there a sql script way to do so?


Jason Scott
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New Member

08/18/2010 4:01 PM
Stuart, I have no idea if a SQL script could do it, but I certainly know how to do it manually. On the webserver, just go to Portals>[DNN instance]>DMX>Graveyard. You'll see a list of .config files and .resources files. All of the resources files are the files themselves, and the config files contain all of the metadata of the files. When I've had to restore, I use a utility to search the text of the .config files as a I search for the filename(s) of the missing file(s). When I find the config, it'll then point me to the right resources file. Then I just rename the file and re-upload to DMX. It's not pretty, but it works. Hope this helps.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/19/2010 4:16 PM
Hi guys,

I do plan to do this but it isn't trivial and it hasn't made the cut for 5.3. I hope to have it for 5.4. In the meantime: follow the excellent guidance by Jason.

Backgrounder: In a first step to making a system that could "never lose a file" the graveyard was designed. The file is copied to it (with it's ".resources" extension to prevent download) and it's metadata is converted to XML and stored as a config file. A folder, therefore, only has a config file there. This info should be enough for a tech savvy person to find a file that was lost. But it is not yet a complete solution allowing the recuperation of hard deleted files.

New Member
New Member

05/30/2012 9:57 PM
Was this fixed in 5.4? I just checked and we're running 5.3.7, and need to restore a few files from the graveyard.

If it's been fixed, then I can easily upgrade to 6, I just haven't reviewed it on our development yet.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/01/2012 11:07 AM
It's been implemented in 6.0.0.

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