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Delete older doc version
Last Post 11/02/2010 5:45 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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ABS Jets
New Member
New Member


Could you please give me the commands for Delete and Hard delete? Will this be enough or does it need more programming?


10/19/2010 3:47 PM

I need to be able to delete specific version of a documents.

I would like to modify the VersionsList control - add an icon between the "display" and "download" icons, which would cause a deletion of the corresponding document version. But I can't find the correct command that should be inserted instead of XXXX in the following code:



Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/21/2010 11:36 AM
Hi Pavel,

A delete for a specific version is not (yet) implemented.

ABS Jets
New Member
New Member

10/22/2010 5:19 AM

Hi Peter,

any suggestions how to implement it myself? With the partial source?

Thanks, Pavel

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/02/2010 5:45 PM
Hi Pavel,

I assume you have retrieved the EntryInfo for the old version that you wish to delete. Then it is pretty straightforward IMO. There are 2 specific actions to take when hard deleting an entry:
1. Delete the file from storage
2. Delete the record from SQL

Regarding 1: use this method:
Services.Storage.StorageProvider.Instance(PortalId).DeleteFile(PortalId, entryInfo)
This takes care of writing it to the graveyard as well

Regarding 2: go through the dataprovider and call DeleteEntry(EntryId)

Let me know if this does not do what you want.


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