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Menu options redirecting to localhost
Last Post 04/17/2011 1:50 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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Manuel Navarro
New Member
New Member

03/16/2011 3:48 PM
Good Morning,

After installing Document Exchange 05.03.07 when we select any of the options in the admin menu, the module redirect us to a localhost URL. Since we are accessing the DNN site remotely we are getting an HTTP Error 404 - Not found.

For example if we try to go to"Admin / Main options" in the menu we are redirected to this URL:


As expected we get a HTTP 404.

BTW our site name is "intranet".

We are a little dissapointed with this since we just bought your product and it has fail in installation and now in this.

Hope this's just a minor issue.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/17/2011 5:56 PM
Hi Manuel,

Are you using a custom url rewriter? Is it possible for me to see the site from here? Feel free to contact me by email.

Manuel Navarro
New Member
New Member

04/13/2011 4:32 PM
Hi Peter,

I forgot to tell you that we found a solution. The problem happend in the following scenario:

+ Our portal has many portal aliases
+ The first registry in the PortalAlias table is the one that points to localhost
+ For some reason DMX is redirecting to the first entry in the PortalAlias table

So, to reach a solution we just change the PortalAlias entries so that the first entry corresponds to the one we needed.

Anyway, maybe it would be a nice idea to review the code and find out if is it really necessary to redirect to an absolute URL, or if you can just use a relative URL and don't have to worry about portal aliases.

BTW right now we are having other issues that are preventing us of getting DMX on production. Plese take a look at this topics:

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/17/2011 1:50 PM
Hi Manuel,

If you go to Main Options, select the right one and click Update it should take that one as the default alias from that point on.

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