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Using FileDropDownSelect
Last Post 07/31/2011 11:39 AM by Rogue Wave. 1 Replies.
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Rogue Wave
New Member
New Member

07/31/2011 11:34 AM
Hi Peter. Building my own version of the DMX ShortList, but having trouble importing the FileDropDownSelect.ascx file. VS is throwing an error in the Settings.ascx.designer.cs file:

Error 1: The type or namespace name 'Controls' does not exist in the namespace 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

This line is being included in Settings.ascx:

<%@ register tagprefix="dmx" tagname="FileDropDownSelect" src="~/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Controls/FileDropDownSelect.ascx" %>

<dmx:filedropdownselect runat="server" id="FileSelection" rootid="0" />

The controls properties are not available in the code-behind (Settings.cs) but cause no compile error:

if (ModuleSettings.BaseRootId > -1)
FileSelection.SelectedEntryId = ModuleSettings.BaseRootId;
FileSelection.EntryTypes = "Collection";

Is this control not public? I tried looking for another reference in the API to it, but I was unable to find it.

I need a quick simple way to get access to Collections via my custom module, but this isn't turning out to be quick or easy anymore...

Rogue Wave
New Member
New Member

07/31/2011 11:39 AM
I clicked submit and realized there are two DLL files. I've included the reference to Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.DLL and it compiles without issue.
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