Hi Peter, The search is not working on “remarks” fields, where the file document is created using DMX API. Here is the code I used to create the file (PDF) document and update the “remarks” to that file document: // Creates the file document int iEntryID = EntriesController.SimplifiedUpload(this.PortalId, iCollectionID, oInputStream, Path.GetFileName(oFile.FileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oFile.FileName), oCurrentUser, true); // adds remarks to document LongTextInfo inf = new LongTextInfo("ENT", "REMARKS", iEntryID, string.Empty, "This is user manual"); LongTextsController.AddLongText(inf); Using the above code creating document and adding remarks to file has done successfully. But if I go and search with string ‘manual’, the created document is not showing in search results. The same is working fine if I add the remarks manually (by right-click on document-> add remarks -> click on Finish). So am I missing any thing in the above code to make it work? Please do need helpful to make working ‘Search’ on ‘remarks’ field, if the document is creating using DMX API. Regards, Srinivas