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File Permissions Error after installing
Last Post 11/05/2012 7:46 PM by Michael Ham. 5 Replies.
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Michael Ham
New Member
New Member

09/15/2011 3:21 PM
I have installed Bring2Mind DMX, following the instructions in the installation document and it indicated that the installation was successful. Every time I try to use the page that I dropped the module on, I always immediately get this error:

A critical error has occurred.
Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Could someone please help us to get this up and running? We're very anxious to use the software.

Thank you,
Michael Ham
RTI International
Michael Ham
New Member
New Member

09/16/2011 2:42 PM
Here's an update:

The IT department at my company were able to put the site into full trust, and now the module appears to work. However, we cannot leave full trust on permanently. Does the module reach out of the web root? If so, where does it go? My IT department can change the permissions there if necessary.
Rob Ralston
Basic Member
Basic Member

09/16/2011 6:39 PM
Hi Michael,

I've had a lot of experience running DMX in Medium Trust and dealing with non-default Medum Trust configurations. I am currently running DMX 5.3.7 on DNN 5.6.3 in Medium Trust on IIS 6. (what are you running and on what IIS version?)

The default installation should point the repository to: "Default (under Portals/[id]/DMX)", so it is playing inside portal file structure. Go to the Admin Storage Settings menu to verify this. If this is set to the default, it should be fine in Medium Trust, at least for the file storage.

For Medium Trust, it is possible to have the file repository outside of the portal file structure, but that will take a customized Medium Trust file for the portal to use, typically along with a custom application pool account for your portal/website rather than the default built-in service acccounts.

Hope this helps a little.

Rob Ralston
SilverBullet Technologies LLC
Terri Dittman
New Member
New Member

11/04/2012 1:25 AM
I've also got this error (below) but I'm on a shared hosting and don't think they will put the site into full trust.

Was this issue resolved?

“A critical error has occurred. Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.”
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/05/2012 5:00 PM
Medium/partial trust are just labels. Unfortunately they don't accurately describe what they block or not. Only Full trust is accurate in that it assumes full access to the framework.

Unfortunately in situations of shared hosting (i.e. multiple sites on the same server), hosting companies tend to be rather safe than sorry and block aggressively. File.IO is the namespace where all File operations to disk are located. For some reason the hosting provider here decided that it couldn't grant this. This is rare, but it can happen. In the end you may need to make a choice between this product or the hosting provider.

Michael Ham
New Member
New Member

11/05/2012 7:46 PM
Posted By Terri Dittman on 04 Nov 2012 01:25:19
I've also got this error (below) but I'm on a shared hosting and don't think they will put the site into full trust.

Was this issue resolved?

“A critical error has occurred. Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.”

Hi Terri. Unfortunately, I was never able to resolve the issue. In my case, it was for the company I work for. We tried for days with our IT department making changes to the trust file, and we never got it to work.

We ended up creating our own solution. It may not be as elegant as Bring2Mind, but it works just fine.
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