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"Stop running this script" Message in IE 8
Last Post 04/23/2012 7:30 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Stuart Hilbert
New Member
New Member

04/19/2012 8:19 PM

I am running 6.0.2.

I have the module settings set for a "Root Folder for module" which points to a folder with approx 165 pdf files.

This is the only module on the page. As the page loads IE 8 gives me the wonderful "Stop running this script" blah, blah, blah message. When I click "No" to the message the document library loads just fine.

Of course the customer finds this unacceptable and wants it "fixed". Debugging I am getting this error in the Javascript:

Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus. ScriptResource.axd?d=MsE7-PjGvsGJCeuvVYyxGgFJGNCKZhbXsyylYQOuLSf2qEtlTVPzRLlDWsAElcvFleab8OKQc4SxtJKU6ZBySyYv9clExjc_2hRl6-C9pFOTfVr0cHD6kL-PFgwBo13p0WytWpx3bqHw0mltp5sgmAvRj0bKWnywlX0r3g2&t=1e73fcbc, line 1 character 52725

What is odd is that if I am looking at all the document library and click on the folder than it loads without issue.

Any thoughts on a fix or workaround?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/23/2012 7:30 PM
Hi Stuart,

It is actually an IE thing. IE does something "smart" which is to alert the user to when it thinks a piece of Javascript has gone on long enough and asks whether to stop the process. The time it uses as threshold can be tuned of course. Now the problem is probably the combination of folder size (the 165 files) with connection latency and server speed etc. Basically the module asks for the folder's contents and before the server has had time to complete the request and the client script to put this on screen IE runs into this timeout.

I'm not sure where you need to start tuning. The 165 items itself is not catastrophic. I mean: I've got folders with more and they run fine. But if my server was slower maybe there'd be an issue. Maybe using Fiddler to check which of the requests really takes too long may help nail this down.

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