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Recoomend procedure to recover lost files
Last Post 10/31/2012 9:57 AM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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J A Mijares
New Member
New Member

10/17/2012 2:13 AM
The people in charge of using DMX in my client office say they cant find some files they uploaded a long time ago, like two years, they dont know how or when they dissapeared and dont reckkon deleting them intentionally.
What do you recoomend doing in this situation?
The hosting provider can set up a temporary site to restore a backup set made one year ago if necesssary and I keep in amazon a set of backup files of the site daing two years ago or more.
The site is based in DNN v.04.08.04 and DMX 05.01.01

Thank you in advance
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/24/2012 5:58 PM
It is very hard to "debug" unless the user gives you a specific file to look for. What you'd need to do is to find it in the old installation, download it, and upload it to the new installation.

J A Mijares
New Member
New Member

10/24/2012 9:44 PM
Thank you very much for the reply Peter.
The client has given me the exact name of the directory (his client name) and fil name. (tax declaration)

So if I have it which is faster

I take the opportunity to ask you about some other reply you gave to another client of DMX in theforum which is related here. You said in recent versions you would make it simpler to recover files from the "graveyard" did you achieve any progress on this?

best regards
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/31/2012 9:57 AM
The recent versions have indeed a "graveyard" where permanently deleted files go. And you can recover files from there just in case. But this won't help you now as the deleted files in the old version were never moved to the graveyard. Instead they were just deleted. Your only choice right now is to re-upload.

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