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Webdav - DMX 6.1 - S3 Storage Provider - question
Last Post 12/17/2012 11:06 AM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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villers frederic
New Member
New Member

12/08/2012 4:33 PM
hi peter,

i have 2 questions :

1) with ver 6.1 when choosing S3 as storage provider

When we use webdav with this configuration, are the file directly retrieved from S3 bucket or are the file also stored locally on the dmx server ?

2) With this configuration i see that file with blank in filename are stored into S3 bucket with + sign as replacement for the blank space.

It cause an error "The specified key does not exist" when trying to download file from the dmx web interface (right click on the file / Download).

by shearching the web it seems that the solution is to replace the + by b%

can we do that by ourself or would it be an update ?

Thank you in advance for your feedback

best regards

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/10/2012 8:07 PM
Hi Frederic,

1. With WebDAV they will pass through the server. WebDAV doesn't allow for redirecting the way the web UI does.

2. I will look into this. I can't answer yet as to whether it needs a fix in DMX.

villers frederic
New Member
New Member

12/12/2012 10:23 AM
Hi peter,

thank you for your answer.

so to be clear :

when user use webdav, the files are on the s3 provider but the request pass trough the dmx server.

The file are NOT stored on the dmx server
WebDav do NOT retrieve directly from S3 provider

i am right ?

Best Regards

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/17/2012 11:06 AM
Hi Frederic,


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