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Installation to DNN 06.01.02 Failed
Last Post 03/28/2013 3:50 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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03/26/2013 10:44 PM

We tried installing the DMX module to a 06.01.02 site, and installation failed—it said installation was successful, but the module wasn't showing up in Host < Extensions. I checked via FTP and the folder DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX was there but it didn't create the "Resources" folder. I also tried deleting the folder and files and re-installing it; installation failed that time and I did capture the failure message. Using SQL Server Management Studio we see there are tables created. Do you have instructions or a script for removing the specific tables that need to be deleted? We're concerned about accidentally deleting things that shouldn't be, as the site is live on a production server.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/28/2013 3:50 PM
The best thing is to completely roll back the failed install. You do this by:
1. Removing everything prefixed with DMX_ in SQL: tables, views, SPROCs, and functions
2. Removing the DMX folder in the DesktopModules folder
3. In SQL just check the Packages and DesktopModules tables. Any mention of DMX? If so remove by hand.
4. Delete any line with "Bring2mind" from the web.config
5. Delete the DMX dlls from the bin folder

That should be it. If it had been working before you'd need to delete the DMX folders under the various portal directories but in your case there won't be anything there.

Now try to reinstall and carefully note any mishap. An IIS timeout during install is rare, but not impossible and inevitably leads to what you've seen. You need to keep an eye on that.

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