I hope I can explain this. We are on version 6.01 of your product. I have a new page request for our DNN website which involves creating a table of links to documents. Is there a way, sub routines or API methods, that I can query the DMX tables and return links to documents based on certain criteria (custom attributes I'm assuming)? If so is there documentation/examples that I can use to help? I need to create a table with names of documents down the side broken out by versions of those documents by quarter across the top. The users want to also have a dropdownlist box of years. As they choose a year the table will refresh with document links for that year. Under each quarter column will be icons as the links to the documents (PDF's or Audio Files). q1 q2 q3 q4 Press Releases Earning Docs Audio File Transcripts Presentations I sent this to Peter but I guess he is in Spain so I hope that I can get some help. Patrick L. Finfrock |