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File naming convention
Last Post 07/03/2013 8:01 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

06/28/2013 11:39 PM
Does anyone know how the files are renamed when they are being uploaded?

So far I have down that it uses "file_date_time_????_portalid.extension" how are the letters after the time and before the portal id generated? Please and thank you.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/03/2013 8:01 PM
The question marks are actually randomly generated. Why? Well, that avoids a targeted attack to sweep all files in DMX. The "portalid" part is actually something that should be "0" and is not a portal id. Instead it avoids clashes by auto increasing if necessary.

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