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Documents not visible in one user's folder
Last Post 07/15/2013 2:46 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

07/10/2013 6:30 PM

I am running DNN 6.2.5 and DMX 6.1.4. I have a folder called Payroll that contains a folder for each user. The user folders are named the same as their DNN UserNames. The root pattern of the DMX instance is "[user:username]".

Whenever a user logs in, they can only see thier own folder and the documents contained therein. However, I have one user who logs in and can only see His folder but not the documents inside. (ie no documents display in the right side panel)
I have looked in the payroll folder, can see his folder and it has about 20 documents in it. But for some reason, he cannot see them when logged in. All other users are having no problems. i have tried deleting his folder, creating a new folder and uploading his documents but it still does not work. I am stumped. Can anyone help?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/12/2013 12:09 PM
Have you examined one of those documents' permissions closely and compared it to the user's membership roles? And I assume the document is in an approved (i.e. normal) state. If you feel confident this is all correct, please contact me by email with a login so I can have a look myself if that's possible. Otherwise an email with screenshots of permissions, etc.

New Member
New Member

07/12/2013 7:03 PM
Hi Peter,

I believe everything is as it should be re permissions. I am sending you an email now with login creds.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/15/2013 2:46 PM
Case solved :-)
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