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DMX Search and new DNN 7.1
Last Post 08/06/2013 5:35 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

07/19/2013 5:53 PM
Hi Peter,

I upgraded our site to DNN 7.1 in large part for the improved search functionality within DNN itself. I've used the solution of also placing a DMX module on the Search Results page to display results within the documents.

With the DNN 7.1, the DMX module still returns search results when a search is entered from the menu in the skin. However, when using the search input on the Search Results page itself, it doesn't update the results in the DMX module at the bottom of the page.

Can you think of a way to force a refresh of the DMX module when the search input is used on the page?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/06/2013 5:35 PM
Hi Jed,

This is not possible, I'm afraid. The core search module is not something I have any control over. 7.1 has overhauled search which is in itself a good thing. DNN's core search hasn't changed since something like version 3 and was deeply flawed. Now it looks like we may have a brighter future.
However, before we can leverage this, it first (1) needs to be stable and (2) to be the main platform people use. This is going to take a while. In the meantime you'll need to keep using the existing ways of integrating DMX search. With the limitation that it doesn't react to an ajax callback (which is what is happening) on the new DNN search results screen.


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