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files get deleted in different folder while deleting some other files
Last Post 04/03/2014 11:07 AM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Gilbert Fernandes
New Member
New Member

03/20/2014 3:06 PM
In the DMX on DNN 5, while some files were deleted in one folder, simultaneously some other files and folders from elsewhere too got (soft) deleted. The file names and folder names are nowhere similar to each other. Also that the person's acct. who deleted them, does not have any rights to the other folder.
Once, we tried to recover all files which took us about 4 hours for plenty of the folders and the files therein. since each has to be done individually. Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/03/2014 11:07 AM
Hi Gilbert,

I've never heard of anything like that. First: any deletion is always checked right at the very end by DMX for permissions. Second: any operation on a file is through an ID, not a name. And any file in a specific folder has a unique ID. There is no other way, unless you are confusing categories for folders, which I assume you're not. Finally: I guess you are working with a very old version of DMX. And although something like this has not even cropped up in older versions of DMX, robustness in the application has been improved since then.

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