first off, I had set my DNN to be able to accept file sizes up to 65 megs.
- I recently uploaded some LARGE (56mb) zip files, and I wanted them to remain as Zip files in DMX.
- Initially, they either failed to be uploaded to our hosted site/server, or when attempting to download, the files were corrupted. So I suspected that the file was corrupted in the http stream during upload.
- Second, the zip files I tried to download would come at me as a filename of just the texted up to the first whitespace, and no extension. So I had to rename it to a .zip in order to open it.
- Thirdly, I FTP'ed those large files directly to the server, and added them to DMX from the server using Remote Desktop.
- The files still were truncated after the first whitespace on download.
- Finally, after renaming the files to have no whitespaces and then updating the files in DMX with these, I was able to download them successfully.
Although this workaround is greate for me as an adimn... it would definitely suck as a client trying to upload large files to have to remember all this. Peter, do you, or anyone reading this post, know of what variables on the server, DNN, or DMX that I might be able to fix or set to allow for larger file uploads, as well as leaving them in zip format (if the client so chooses) so that things will function the way expected?
I have no problem with training the users to make sure their filenames have no whitespaces... but I'm most concerend about the mystery of whether or not the files are being corrupted via the http stream on upload.
Any insight is GREATLY appreciated!
Earnie Eng