I have been using DNN4 for a while now, but I realized that I need a good repository for my documents. So I decided to go back to DNN3 and install DMX 3 Pro.
I have had a license for this product installed on an old machine, which is now junked. My website is now running on a virtual server (vmware), and I have installed DNN3.2.2 and DMX3.4 on to this. The Account Details shows that my license is in order.
As a SuperUser I can create folders and upload documents, but as a registered user I cannot see anything but Subscribe/Unsubscribe. For the module (Bring2mind\DMX) I have set everybody to view, and administrators/registered users to edit module.
So where do I go wrong here? Perhaps a basic DNN setting I've forgotten, or is the license not OK anyway?
Thank you for any your help you can give me