ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/10/2006 10:45 PM |
I am having problems making the full text work. I have Indexing Service running and pointing to a default location of a DMX document folder. When I go to Portal Configuration page of DMX and try to attach the Indexing Service Catalog I get the following error: "Sql Server could not attach to the named Indexing Service catalog" . What am I doing wrong? Is the path the problem? How should the path look like?
Thanks AlaMakota
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/11/2006 10:13 AM |
Ala, You specify the name of the catalog, not the path to it. If this still doesn't work, go to SQL server and ensure the user that DNN uses to connect has sys admin permission. Peter
ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/11/2006 10:39 PM |
I tried just the name of the catalog in the first place but when it didn't work I started experimenting - that's why I tried paths also. I gave all possible admin permission to the DNN admin account on the SQL server and it is still giving me the same error. Indexing service seems to be working OK because I can search docs in the DMX folder using built-in "Query the Catalog" feature.
Any other ideas?
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/12/2006 11:20 PM |
Basically a 'link server' SQL statement is run when you click 'attach'. You can try to use an SQL management tool to run this directly to see what error comes out of this. So your code would be something like:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'MyCatalog', 'Index Server', 'MSIDXS', 'MyCatalog'
After this a test is done to determine if the catalog attached or not. This is done through a 'faked query':
If this does not produce an error, then the catalog must have attached correctly.
ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/26/2006 1:00 AM |
I am not an expert in SQL script/queries but I tried to follow your directions and this is the error I got doing the "faked query":
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not execute query against OLE DB provider 'MSIDXS'. [OLE/DB provider returned message: Service is not running. ] OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSIDXS' ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80070002]. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText) at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions) SELECT TOP 1 * FROM OPENQUERY(DNNdocs, 'SELECT Filename, Rank FROM SCOPE() WHERE FREETEXT(''extra'') ORDER BY Rank DESC') AS Docs
I don't know what service it is talking about but my DNN installation is running on SQL server and everything seems to be working OK. Any other ideas what can be wrong?
Thanks Alamakota
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/26/2006 1:29 AM |
It appears the indexing service (this is called MSIDXS) is turned off ...
ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/26/2006 1:38 AM |
Under Computer Management > Indexing Service it says "Started" in the Status column...
I can also go to "Query the Catalog" and it will find files with a given text in the DMX folder...
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/26/2006 9:30 AM |
The error occurs outside the module and states it is not functioning. I'm afraid I can't look into your system. Some element in the chain in linking to the indexing service is malfunctioning. You can see the linked server in the SQL enterprise manager? And can you see a result when you go into Query analyzer and try to run the query SELECT TOP 1 * FROM OPENQUERY(DNNdocs, 'SELECT Filename, Rank FROM SCOPE() WHERE FREETEXT(''extra'') ORDER BY Rank DESC') AS Docs ? Peter
ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/26/2006 8:34 PM |
I don't see Indexing Service as a linked server (master database/syservers table). I have DNN running physically on a separate machine than my SQL server - can this be a problem?
When I run EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'MyCatalog', 'Index Server', 'MSIDXS', 'MyCatalog' command using DNN's SQL page first nothing happens and then when I try to do it again I get the following error message:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The server 'DNNdocs' already exists. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText) at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions) EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'DNNdocs', 'Index Server', 'MSIDXS', 'DNNdocs'
I assumed that I have to replace the 'MyCatalog' with 'DNNdocs' which is the name of my Catalog under Indexing Services. What does it mean than that The server 'DNNdocs' already exists? Where? I cannot find it and I am lost. Without that feature the module is kind of useless for us...
Thanks for your help so far. A.
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/26/2006 11:43 PM |
Ala, This procedure will not work on separate servers. I'm working on a solution for this, but for now you cannot use the indexing service on another server. Peter
Mike Willard New Member Posts:44  
01/26/2006 11:58 PM |
I had the indexing service working at one time, but now it is not. When trying to detach and reattach, I got the following message... Sql Server could not attach to the named Indexing Service catalog.
My DB is running on separate server from web server, but it always has been and at one time this was working. Is it related to a newer release of DMX?
I'm planning to move the repository for DMX to the SQL box, which I guess would remedy this problem (the SQL box has more storage space as well.) You mentioned the permissions were a bit "tricky" to have the DMX repository on a separate box from the web server. Can you elaborate? I guess somehow the NETWORK SERVICE account needs read/write permissions to the DMX folder on the SQL box?
ala makota New Member Posts:9  
01/27/2006 1:52 AM |
Just to make sure again: what needs to be on the same box to make it work? I have web server with DNN, Indexing Service and DMX repository on one box and SQL server on another.
Thanks A.
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
01/27/2006 9:52 AM |
There has been a significant overhaul of full-text search. It has now been integrated with SQL server greatly inreasing its performance (it became almost useless at 10.000+ documents due to the resource consumption on the server). One (unforeseen) side-effect is that for those that run their SQL server on another machine than the indexing service, the linking doesn't happen. I'm working on resolving this (there is a solution and it is being tested now by one of the customers).
PS Mike: about the 'tricky' permissions: what you need to know is that the WEB SERVER's NETWORK SERVICE account needs permission on the network share (i.e. \\docserver\somedir), and not the doc server's NETWORK SERVICE account. You probably need a domain controller to do this properly.
James Godbold New Member Posts:10  
04/03/2006 10:26 AM |
Peter i'm interested in the solution you're testing at the moment. Could you give me any more info on this?
If you setup index server on the seperate SQL server and set the path to index as a UNC path to the DMX repository on the web server, that would work wouldn't it? Your catalog would be local to the SQL server and you repository would be local to DNN. Am I missing something here? Going to try it out today.
James Godbold New Member Posts:10  
04/03/2006 3:15 PM |
Index server can't index using UNC paths. You can enter the path and it lets you enter the credentials, but it always returns no results from a query.
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
04/13/2006 12:40 PM |
Yes, the indexing service is local on a machine as far as I know. The challenge becomes integrating the indexing service on the SQL server when they are on separate systems. I am trying out solutions for this, but until I can prove it's working I won't give too much publicity on this. In the latest version you can try to use servername.catalog (i.e. server's name DOT catalog name) in the full indexinging catalog box. But I cannot guarantee yet if it'll work. Peter
James Godbold New Member Posts:10  
04/13/2006 4:22 PM |
Would it be possible to give the option in the module of:
linking to the index server from SQL server or querying the catalog direct?
Performance isn't an issue for me, I would like to be able to query the local index server without using sql server.
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
04/18/2006 11:33 PM |
James, I guess it could be done in code but it is really unelegant. The old solution loads a list of ALL documents in a portal into the server's memory. Then the match was made with the returns from the Indexing Service. I guess if all else fails I might have to revert to this solution although it is easy to see that this won't work in larger repositories. Peter
Chi Yeung New Member Posts:1  
06/22/2006 3:47 PM |
Are you still planning to provide an option for querying the catalog directly? I'm very interested in that feature. Because of how our SQL server is hosted, I don't think I'll ever get a linked server to my Web Server.
Chi Ho Yeung
Peter Donker Veteran Member Posts:4536  
06/22/2006 11:44 PM |
Chi, I can't promise that as it will need to be well separated and configurable. But I see your point and will look into it. Peter